
Coming Events


WOLAS 'Members Only' pages go live

We have recently added extra functionality to this website to include special pages only visible to WOLAS members who are logged-in with their user account. Up until now, the main benefit of logging in was that you could pay your yearly subscription electronically. Now you can also see the new ‘Members Only’ section which includes the following pages:

Your Committee – details of who makes up the WOLAS committee, what they look like and how to contact them

WOLAS newsletters – recent WOLAS newsletters as pdfs

Piggott’s Farm Observing – details of our darker observing location in the Chilterns, how to get there, when it’s on and who to contact beforehand.

Monthly Observing Slot Submissions – How to enter an image into the Observing Slot at the monthly meeting

WOLAS loan items – list of WOLAS equipment items available for loan to WOLAS members

WOLAS Yahoo Group – details of the WOLAS discussion group and how to join it

To see these pages you will need to first log in with your WOLAS user name and password and you should have received an email from our treasurer, Martin Lewis, at the end of October explaining how to set this up (if you haven’t done this already).

If you have not received the recent email then this either means our records have an old email address for you, no email address at all for you, or have you down as sharing an email account with another member.

If you want to set up a user account and did not receive the email or have other difficulties setting this up then please request help by emailing Martin on the Contact Us page.



Geoff Smith Observing Trophy

The Geoff Smith Observing Trophy for the 2017/2018 session was awarded to Wolas member David Arditti at the October meeting.  Congratulations David.

You can see some of David's fantastic astrophotography images in our Recent Obsevations gallery.

Members can read more about the trophy, how it is awarded, and also see a list of previous winners by logging in and viewing this page.